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Execute a query and return a slice of type representing the results of the query Similar to QueryContext, but works directly on a bob.Query object.

This function is a wraper around scan.All.

type userObj struct {
ID int
Name string

ctx := context.Background()
db, err := bob.Open("postgres", "...")
if err != nil {
// ...

q := psql.Select(...)

// user is of type []userObj{}
users, err := bob.All(ctx, db, q, scan.StructMapper[userObj]())
if err != nil {
// ...

There is also the Allx function. The main difference is that it takes 2 type parameters instead of one.

The 2nd type parameter indicates the type of the slice to be returned. This is useful if you have methods defined on the slice type and do not want to always do the type cast yourself.

type userSlice []userObj

func (u userSlice) MethodOnSliceType() {}

// users is of type userSlice
users, err := bob.Allx[userObj, userSlice](ctx, db, q, scan.StructMapper[userObj]())
if err != nil {
// ...